Web of Science: TS=((resource* AND capabilit*) AND (sales OR
"finance performance" OR "competitive advantage" OR export*)
AND (influence OR impact OR relation OR effect))
Scopus: TITLE-ABS-KEY ((resource* AND capabilit*) AND (sales
OR "finance performance" OR "competitive advantage" OR
export*) AND (influence OR impact OR relation OR effect))
Web of Science: TS=((resource* AND capabilit*) AND (sales OR
"finance performance" OR "competitive advantage" OR export*)
AND (influence OR impact OR relation OR effect)) NOT
WC=(genetics heredity OR hospitality leisure sport tourism OR
mathematical computational
multidisciplinary OR multidisciplinary sciences OR environmental
sciences OR geosciences multidisciplinary OR psychology
experimental OR environmental studies OR agriculture dairy
animal science OR psychology multidisciplinary OR energy fuels
OR engineering electrical electronic OR evolutionary biology OR
water resources OR engineering environmental OR psychology
applied OR ecology OR green sustainable science technology)
Scopus: TITLE-ABS-KEY (((resource* AND capabilit*) AND (sales OR
"finance performance" OR "competitive advantage" OR export*)
AND (influence OR impact OR relation OR effect) AND (exclude
(subjarea, "envi") OR exclude (subjarea, "eart") OR exclude
(subjarea, "phar") OR exclude (subjarea, "medi")) AND (exclude
ea, "agri") OR exclude (subjarea,"math") OR exclude
(subjarea, "mult") OR exclude (subjarea, "arts")) AND (exclude
(subjarea, "ener"))