Acceptance and incorporation of cloud computing at the small businesses of the information technology sector from Bucaramanga.


  • Javier Enrique De la Hoz Freyle Universitaria de Investigación y Desarrollo.



Cloud computing, Small businesses, Information Technologies


Cloud Computing (CC) is a paradigm that provides a range of both technological and economic benefits to organizations that work it as a way to solve their information technology (IT) needs. Various organizations around the world have adopted CC as pusher model of new business ideas, and small businesses technological support, enabling them to use IT resources through few or null financial resources. This has motivated a research in order to get the degree of acceptance and incorporation of CC in small IT companies from Bucaramanga, to provide decision-making tools to organizations wishing to offer CC-based services in that city.


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How to Cite

De la Hoz Freyle, J. E. (2015). Acceptance and incorporation of cloud computing at the small businesses of the information technology sector from Bucaramanga. I+D Revista De Investigaciones, 5(1), 124–138.


