Analysis of Owenian cooperativism as a vision of social responsibility
Humanism, cooperation, capitalism, social responsibility.Abstract
The advent of the industrial revolution brought with it the super exploitation of resources and an exaggerated control of the means of production (land, labor and capital). It was during these eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that the administration as a social science acquires its strength not only to understand how partnership and cooperation - natural processes in the human being - are combined to achieve objectives that individually do not They could have developed, but also identifies principles that must be taken into account so that the material and immaterial structure of an organization reaches its primary objectives without a waste and waste of resources. Against this issue emerges a weigher at the beginning of the nineteenth century (Owen), whose postulates not only break the dominant paradigm of industrial capitalism, but opposes its idea through cooperativism as the primary organizational unit of society, productivity and competitiveness in terms of social responsibility.Downloads
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