Development of computational thinking based on design of educational technology
Computational thinking, educational technology, research nursery, digital literacy.Abstract
The digital age and continuous technological advances generate changes in the way of living, acting and thinking, demanding new skills to be competitive, innovative. The advances originate new abilities; inventions such as the wheel, the light bulb, the automobile, the computer, and the Internet, were establishing various types of illiteracy. Initially, the term included the inability to read and write; then the need for a second language, and finally, minimum skills to meet the challenges of the knowledge society with new digital resources. For the 21st century, it is called digital literacy, with obligatory changes in the way of thinking, acting and solving problems. The answer is computational thinking, seen as the ability to solve problems with the support of technology and computing. In the range of strategies to achieve its development, the accumulated results are presented in 2 years, from a research hotbed.Downloads
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