Analysis of business models on the internet: current situation in the inter-municipal passenger transport subsector in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga
Internet business model, transportation sector, competitive advantage.Abstract
This paper analyses the business models on the Internet and the competitive advantage of the companies of the inter-municipal passenger transport subsector in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga. The main objective is to identify the current position of each business model according to Faisal Hoque's theory and then provide improvement tactics that add value to their organizations. The case study was carried out with three companies of the subsector, which provided information about their business model physically and on the Internet. By performing a quantitative analysis of the variables and using research techniques such as interviews, surveys, and checklists, electronic business models were evaluated, positioning the companies in the Brochureware and E-commerce category. Finally, the SWOT matrix was used to generate improvement tactics that help strengthen the operation and communication of each company throughout its supply chain from its website.Downloads
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