Mining realities boost the international commerce. The case of Colombia (2008-2017)


  • Bernardo Congote Ochoa Antonio Nariño University



International trade, unequal growing, mining data, mining powers, mining realities.


The article attempts to test the hypothesis that the Colombian mining sector has boosted the international economy, to the point that no other sector would be able to emulate it, at least in the short term. Discussions that describe mining as a kind of a "national disease" often lack data. Therefore, the article presents and analyzes a statistical series on Colombian exports and imports, according to ISIC sectors, during the 2008-2017 period; then, it presents a crossed-analysis of both series, seeking to specify the impact of mining on the dynamics of Colombian international trade; finally, it emits some conclusions and recommendations. The study follows a descriptive-explanatory methodology. The findings prove that the unequal intersectoral growth is an economic reality, and calls into question, from the mining approach, some of the criticisms surrounding the dynamics of this sector in Colombia.


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Author Biography

Bernardo Congote Ochoa, Antonio Nariño University

Master in Political Science, Universidad de los Andes. Professional in Economics, National University of Colombia. Junior researcher (Colciencias 2019). Member of the International Council of the Federalism and Freedom ideas laboratory (Argentina). Teacher-researcher of the SERVIPÚBLICOS group (Colciencias B). Full time assistant professor, Antonio Nariño University (Bogotá, Colombia).


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How to Cite

Congote Ochoa, B. (2019). Mining realities boost the international commerce. The case of Colombia (2008-2017). I+D Revista De Investigaciones, 15(1), 85–93.



Artículos Vol. 15(1)