Social representations associated with consumption of funeral services in Bogotá, D. C.


  • Iván Alexis González Konrad Lorenz Fundación Universitaria, Bogotá, Colombia.



Mourning, Symbol, Meaning, Symbolic interactionism, Social representations


Funeral services companies in Bogota are in a transition process in their marketing strategy aimed at changing the concept of providing traditional funeral services by "homage" to the deceased beings. Its purpose is to create a closer contact to their deceased relatives, from a less painful point of view. Therefore, research was conducted using a qualitative approach, in which the main social representations meanings associated with mourning and death (both in their nuclear and peripheral components) were identified; and the main meanings associated of “love” within the sample interviewed were documented. Thus a number of categories that could be useful for improving the marketing strategies of these companies are identified. Possible biases are discussed and recommendations for future research are given.


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How to Cite

González, I. A. (2015). Social representations associated with consumption of funeral services in Bogotá, D. C. I+D Revista De Investigaciones, 6(2), 37–47.