Differences in discursive perspectives on old age and death in the elderly who belong to two nursing homes in Bucaramanga
Older adults, aging, geriatric, institution, death, discursive perspectives, old ageAbstract
The main objective of this research is to compare the discursive perspectives of old age and death in older adults from two geriatric institutions (public and private) of Bucaramanga. For in which had the participation of 10 older adults, with a semi-structured interview, organizing and classifying the information obtained through the ATLAS ti program (v.7.5), generating the construction of categories and subcategories, which allowed evidence of depressive symptoms in the Public Geriatric Home in relation to old age and suicidal thoughts or ideations with respect to death, unlike Private Geriatric home, where there is a positive perspective about old age and a religious position towards death prevail. Finally, it was sought to provide a scientific contribution at the regional level, since there are few studies carried out on this population, and to promote the implementation of promotion and prevention plans directed at the institution.Downloads
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