Environmental behaviors in the tourism sector: topic review


  • Cindy Tatiana Daza Rios University of Research and Development -UDI
  • Sonia Astrid Reyes Duarte Manuela Beltrán University




Behavior, environmental conservation, ecology, environment, tourism


An environmental behavior review was done in order to generate knowledge that contributes to improve the environmental behaviors in the tourism sector. For this reason, a search equation was used in Spanish, the database Scielo, and in English, the database Scopus. 30 articles meeting the inclusion criteria for this study were the result of the search mentioned, where articles published during the past 5 years were included. Hence that the approach of the article is innovative because, according to the bibliographic review, it comprehensively addresses the different models that seek to predict environmental behavior which allows to have the theoretical bases to formulate more complete strategies focused on behavior change. Lastly, it is concluded that it is necessary to use a comprehensive approach in the strategies that seek to promote environmental behaviors in the tourism sector.


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Author Biographies

Cindy Tatiana Daza Rios, University of Research and Development -UDI

Bacteriologist and clinical Labor worker from the Industrial University of Santander, Specialist in Occupational Health from the Manuela Beltrán University and Master in Sustainable Development and Environment from the University of Manizales. Research professor of the SINERGIA Research Group, University of Research and Development -UDI

Sonia Astrid Reyes Duarte, Manuela Beltrán University

Psychologist, Specialist in Safety and Health at work from the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia and Master in Integrated Management Systems from the International University of La Rioja. Research professor of the SARET Research Group, Manuela Beltrán University (Bucaramanga, Colombia).


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How to Cite

Daza Rios, C. T., & Reyes Duarte, S. A. (2021). Environmental behaviors in the tourism sector: topic review. I+D Revista De Investigaciones, 16(2), 8–17. https://doi.org/10.33304/revinv.v16n2-2021001



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