Impact and future perspectives of the tourism sector facing the COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19, impact, perspectives, tourismAbstract
San Gil is a Colombian municipality located in the department of Santander, since 2004 it is recognized as the tourist capital of the region. Since then, tourism has been growing significantly. However, as a result of the pandemic, the sector has been strongly affected. That is the reason why this research arises, aimed to identify the impact and prospects of the tourism sector. In that order, an exploratory study was carried out, where a Google Forms survey was designed and applied to owners, managers and employees in management positions of hotels, restaurants, tour operators and other related businesses of the tourism area. A convenience sample of 41 companies was taken and the data was analyzed using the statistical software SPSS version number 25. Consequently, the main result implies that it is vital for the tourism sector that in the first instance the companies guarantee the consumer at least security and confidence.Downloads
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