Exploring Interactive Experiences for the Diagnosis of Behavior in Social Places
Behavioral, Diagnosis, Design, Experience, InteractiveAbstract
This article presents the findings of design research that aimed to identify the contribution of interactive experiences to diagnosing behavior in social places within the framework of university culture. The study had a critical social approach, of applied purpose and exploratory type, which contemplated three research moments: determination of the elements from the behavioral theory that structure the diagnosis, exploration of the design of interactive experiences and analysis of the relevance of the design of interactive experiences as a diagnostic tool for the construction of university culture. The data obtained were of a mixed nature, so the analysis of the information was carried out employing complementary techniques. Finally, the results of the diagnosis of 16 behaviors that comprised the case study of the campus of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Facultad Seccional Sogamoso, Boyacá, Colombia, are presented.Downloads
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