Socio-cultural aspects of drug trafficking: yesterday Medellín, today Rosario
Identity, Cultural, Drug trafficking, Images, PowerAbstract
Power is a constituent part of the drug trafficking networks. As in the theory of capital of Bourdieu, where different types of capital - social, cultural, legacy, economic, cultural - are commensurable and conversion from one to another is possible, drug trafficking allows to comply powers in legitimate fields, influencing the economic, political, social, sports and religious sectors. This work addresses the sociocultural aspects of drug trafficking on the basis of the structural conditions that are both cause and constituent element of drug trafficking as an actor; and describes the process of formation of identity of drug trafficking and the process of institutionalization of the narcocultura in relation to the most important components of their cultural identity. From actual testimonies is will try to show the representative forms and legitimated mechanisms through which drug trafficking communicates its existence: their modes of expression, its own music, its icons and his saints.Downloads
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