Marketing and new information technologies, applied in business.


  • Ricardo Andrade Díaz Universidad de Santander UDES



Digital marketing E-Commerce, Marketing, International Trade, Information and communication technologies


International marketing societies (CI) of Cucuta are intended to promote regional exportation. However, companies maintain the tradition of selling preferably to the Venezuelan market, which is in a deep economic, political and social crisis affecting binational trade flow; promoting informal economic activity, so it is imperative to identify new market segments in different countries other than the above mentioned. The aim of the study is to propose the implementation of digital marketing strategies in the external trade sector. The designed research, has a positivist approach, in a descriptive way: a sample of 126 (C.I.) was addressed through the probability sampling method, simple random for finite population, with a margin of error of 4% and a confidence level of 94%. A form composed by 45 questions was applied and a structured interview as well; According to the profiles design, depending on the variables (Management, product, place, price, promotion and technology). Therefore, what would be the impact on sales of the C.I’s in Cucuta by implementing E-marketing and E-commerce strategies in the global market?


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How to Cite

Andrade Díaz, R. (2015). Marketing and new information technologies, applied in business. I+D Revista De Investigaciones, 4(2), 34–48.