Analysis of variables in the segmentation of markets.
Market Research, Market Segmentation, Urban Tribes, Millennials, ConsumersAbstract
In the present time I know every time that the human being is formed has gone from being an analytic challenge based on statistical remains, a process of greater scientific rigor, where identifying the behavior of people can be achieved knowing more about the function of the brain. In order to meet the expectations of complex clients, companies must align before the changing dynamics of customer behavior, for how to achieve the results they have developed over the years in the field of identifying characteristics of the consumer. It is evident that the evolution and modification of human behaviors influenced directly by the emergence of the Internet, has put in a worrisome situation to the companies and directors of marketing. Giving results in sales as done in the past, has become the great headache for organizations, coupled with the large supply of goods and services on the Internet, companies are not allowed to react to the speed of tastes and user preferences. Companies in the present hope to find a suitable group of consumers in order to be able to potentiate a brand of a certain product group, but their ability to react to speed with change will change the rules of the game in business marketing, and the growth in the supply of goods and services on the Internet, is putting challenges to which they can not react, the document breaks down the different techniques of segmentation that help to determine more accurately the proper processes of segmentation, creating interactions between the different tools of analysis, in order to finish creating a general interaction called Geospatial Sociological Segmentation in which are grouped characteristics of statistical studies, analysis and analysis of the subcultural behavior of the elements of a specific population.Downloads
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