Guava’s Marketing Research at Suarez River Region.


  • Orlando de Jesús Marín Lorduy Universidad de Santander UDES.
  • Iván Alfredo Cotes Bruges Universidad de Santander UDES.
  • Martha Eugenia Carreño Gualdrón Universidad de Santander UDES.
  • Alexander Hernandez Ríos Universidad de Santander UDES.



The food chain of guava has a great concern about the low competitiveness in obtaining this fruit. Therefore, the chain decided to develop a marketing study in order to determine the current supply and demand, which was divided in: (1) a descriptive exploratory study of demand of fresh guava based on a survey that included forty-six manufactures at the region, (2) a descriptive exploratory study of supply, a survey in a sample of associations that represent the farmers of the region. The results highlight the marketing characteristics of the pulp, identifying the volume of demand and supply, the capacity of the offer for the domestic market, and the real demand of the domestic and international market, also were identified the markets where there is not attended demand, and the links of the chain in marketing channels.


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How to Cite

Marín Lorduy, O. de J., Cotes Bruges, I. A., Carreño Gualdrón, M. E., & Hernandez Ríos, A. (2014). Guava’s Marketing Research at Suarez River Region. I+D Revista De Investigaciones, 4(2), 49–58.