Design and construction of portable and sustainable school furniture: Interdisciplinary work experience in research hotbed


  • Gonzalo Ramírez Gómez Universidad de Industrial de Santander
  • Viviana Guevara Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo
  • Hernán Villamizar Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo



Graphic design, industrial design, school, furniture, sustainable.


This article presents the results of the interdisciplinary work of the DICUBO research hotbed, which studies problems related to industrial design and the INNUME Seedbed, which is responsible for carrying out the graphic design analysis. The project proposed the design of a portable and sustainable school furniture aimed at children in the first grade of education from educational institutions with scarce resources in the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Area. In addition, the product was developed as part of a process of appropriation of the object by the user, it was determined that the furniture functions as a playful and mediating object of significant learning in terms of spatial arrangement, ecology, functionality and graphic artistic intervention. In the development of this project, various disciplines were interspersed with the contribution of their own methods such as the philosophy of Lean Startup and ethnography; the design process was carried out according to the design thinking methodology, both in the graphics aspect and in the industrial design. This work was based on the inclusive design for the integral education of children that require attention in their education; the product allows not only to have furniture, but to develop basic cognitive processes for the age of six, the development of skills and logical processes of recognition.


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Author Biography

Hernán Villamizar, Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo

Grupo de Investigación Paloseco, Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo the city of Bucaramanga (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Ramírez Gómez, G., Guevara, V., & Villamizar, H. (2018). Design and construction of portable and sustainable school furniture: Interdisciplinary work experience in research hotbed. I+D Revista De Investigaciones, 13(1), 7–13.



Artículo Vol. 13