Laboratories of international logistics as a model of competitiveness applied in the universities of Colombia
International logistics, competitiveness, strategies, teaching, learningAbstract
In the last ten years, the number of universities that have academic programs related to International Business or Foreign Trade has increased, due to the needs that have arisen in the labor market as a result of Globalization. Also, these academic programs have been consolidated and improved over the years, as these same labor market needs lead to new and better knowledge in the field of International Business, demanding more preparation, training and application of knowledge in future professionals who will be in charge activities and responsibilities in the foreign trade area of national and international companies. However, there is a priority in the formation of International Negotiators and is the fact of being fundamentally operative, giving rise to teaching and learning processes based on the application and development of real cases that allow the student to come into contact with certain situations that can experiment in their real working world. It is precisely here that subjects such as Logistics of International Physical Distribution require a physical space in which to apply and/or develop the knowledge and research acquired in classrooms, which highlights the importance of laboratories in international logistics, as support for the pedagogical model of each Higher Education Institution in this area.Downloads
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