Tourism competitiveness of Málaga, Capitanejo, Concepción and San Andrés municipalities in the province García Rovira
tourism, competitiveness, ecotourism, infrastructure, Santander.Abstract
The document analyzes the competitiveness of the tourism sector in the municipalities of Málaga, Capitanejo, Concepción and San Andrés of the García Rovira province of the department of Santander, identifying their tourism attractions, potential, and current infrastructure status. Fieldwork was carried out to collect information about tourism in the study region and a survey was used applied owners of tourist establishments. Based on the data obtained, a diagnosis was made based on the DOFA Matrix, where the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the region are presented in a disaggregated manner, confronting internal and external factors with the intention of counteracting the unfavorable factors with positives aspects. The results indicate that the competitiveness of the tourism sector in this region is low, although it has high potential due to the variety of natural tourist attractions it has, it does not use these resources efficiently and does not obtain the profitability of them.Downloads
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