Capture the idea: Playful activity for teaching and strengthening design thinking


  • Leidy Tatiana Alvao-Saenz University of Ibagué
  • Juliana Quintero-Salazar University of Ibagué
  • Angie Marcela Ramírez Rubio University of Ibagué



Educational game, design thinking, product design, creativity, playful


This research study aims to present the design of the playful activity "Capture the Idea", as well as its validation, in an attempt to prove that this active learning activity favors the perception of the teaching-learning method in the subject Administración de Operaciones I in the topic of product design. For the design, the methodology Gamificación Canvas was used, and it was based on the Mindshake Design Thinking Evolution 62 model. For its validation, a causal and quasi-experimental study was carried out for a sample of 20 students where two Likert surveys were applied. The results allow us to accept the proposed hypothesis, concluding that the use of this strategy improves the student's perception in a positive way by an average of 15%. Additionally, it was evident that students feel that the class is more stimulating, enjoyable, and engaging compared to a purely masterful class.


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How to Cite

Alvao-Saenz, L. T., Quintero-Salazar, J., & Ramírez Rubio, A. M. (2020). Capture the idea: Playful activity for teaching and strengthening design thinking. I+D Revista De Investigaciones, 16(1), 28–44.



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