Design of a playful activity for teaching the Maximum Coverage Problem: Set up the hospital
simulation game, playful activity, maximum coverage, mathematical model, location of facilitiesAbstract
This article contains the design and development of a playful activity with which it is possible to explain the terms and relationships that are part of the concept of the maximum coverage problem. For this purpose, the methodology of third order cybernetics was selected and used in the formulation of didactic activities, with which it was possible to characterize the different elements of the referred problem and to establish the form of relation among them, in order to establish a context and a sequence of activities that allow the explanation of the concept of maximum coverage through a game whose purpose is to learn, and that was tested on students of a curricular space and a research seedbed. The design employed and the playful activity that resulted from the process show how it is possible to construct didactic activities for teaching engineering problems from a cybernetic perspective.Downloads
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