Route your route: Playful activity for teaching of Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem - CVRP
Teaching, Logistics management, playful, CVRPAbstract
In companies, the transportation process involves all stages of production and distribution of products to customers with geographically dispersed locations that directly impact the cost of the operation and products, addressing vehicle routing problems (VRP) that minimize costs of transport. In accordance with the above, the playful activity "Route your route" is created as a learning tool, to publicize and understand the resolution of routing problems. For its development three phases were followed, the first is Learning, where the mathematical model of the problem is reviewed; the second consists of the Execution, which includes the aspects that intervene in the development of the playful activity and ends with the analysis and discussion where feedback is obtained from the participants. The results allow us to verify the relevance and acceptance of play as a learning tool that promotes the appropriation of the factors that intervene in the logistics management of distribution such as routing, resource allocation, decision-making, among others.Downloads
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