Social Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Corporate Social Responsibility as a Response
Social Responsibility, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Industry 4.0.Abstract
The research focused on analysing the social impact of the fourth industrial revolution, considering CSR as a response to its challenges. The impact it has on society, company 4.0 and the application of CSR principles to respond to the challenges they impose was identified. The consultation process was followed in different electronic and physical media; Databases were used such as: SciELO, Redalyc; as well as search engines. The research was of a bibliographic documentary type, when applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 30 articles remained. The result indicated that CSR constitutes an ideal framework to guide senior management in the decision-making of companies during the fourth industrial revolution. Concluding, that it is possible to reduce the social impact of Industry 4.0, with the implementation of a management based on the principles of CSR.Downloads
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