Descriptive study on psychological well-being in university students in context of COVID-19 pandemic
psychological well-being, mental health, university students, pandemicsAbstract
The COVID-19 pandemic and the health measures implemented have forced changes in people's lifestyles, an issue that has generated adverse effects on mental health. College students have not been exempt from it. The objective of the study is to determine the degree of psychological well-being in university students in Chile during pandemic. The research has a quantitative approach with a descriptive scope and a non-experimental transversal design. The Ryff psychological well-being scale was applied to a sample of 377 students from various faculties of a university. The results indicate that the best evaluated dimensions were Personal Growth and Purpose in Life. It is concluded that the students present medium to high levels of psychological well-being; In addition, there are no significant differences in the perception of psychological well-being by sex, although there are differences by faculty of origin.Downloads
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