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Digital tools for the acquisition of accounting fundamentals, applied to the management of software for public accounting students




Digital technology, ICT, accounting, software, education, learning


This investigative work seeks to publicize what are the digital tools used by teachers in the accounting area within the educational departments, as well as the pedagogical practices designed under accounting software applications, which allow the acquisition of knowledge of the students, under a practical approach. It was taken as a reference to the institution of Uniagustinian University Higher Education. The methodology developed is of a qualitative type, which was carried out through a survey applied to 25 teachers and 61 students assigned to the Public Accounting program. The results of the research show that accounting and financial software are digital tools that have gained great strength in the educational and business field, helping to strengthen and improve the field of action at the labor level of professionals, allowing them to be more productive and competitive, since it facilitates and streamlines financial accounting processes, minimizing resources and time.


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How to Cite

López-Rincón, Y. Y., Romero-Pérez, Y. E., & salamanca, Y. D. T. (2022). Digital tools for the acquisition of accounting fundamentals, applied to the management of software for public accounting students. I+D Revista De Investigaciones, 18(1), 1–15.



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