Understanding the Concept of Human Rights in Children between 6 and 14 years.


  • Jacqueline Benavides Delgado Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Colombia




Developmental psychology, Child development, Mental development, Thought developmental psychology, Thought


Children are subjects of rights since the declaration of the rights of children in 1969, after World War II. This achievement has enabled assigned to the convention on the rights of children, defend and provide small, a dignified life and ensure their protection governments. What understanding has children of their own rights? This was the question that guided the study in Bogotá with 55 school children, aged between 6 and 14 years. The results concluded that age and cognitive development, influence the understanding of the concept of rights in such a way that the older, more understanding and more critical capacity to the violation thereof. These results support the theory of Piaget on cognitive and moral development of children. They also allow reflection on the importance of disseminating the rights of children in school contexts, taking into account the cognitive and moral development.


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Author Biography

Jacqueline Benavides Delgado, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Colombia

Psicóloga Universidad de los Andes. Máster en Protección Infantil Universidad del País Vasco. Doctora en Psicología Universidad del Valle-Colombia. Investigadora del grupo Boulumai Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia de la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Benavides Delgado, J. (2016). Understanding the Concept of Human Rights in Children between 6 and 14 years. I+D Revista De Investigaciones, 7(1), 6–13. https://doi.org/10.33304/revinv.v07n1-2016001


