Entrepreneurial initiative of the inactive human resource in the Penitentiary Establishment of Medium Security and Prison of Bucaramanga
Entrepreneurial intention, inactive human resource, prisoner, penitentiaryAbstract
The Colombian prison code is regulated by Law 65 of 1993, which establishes that the functions and purposes of punishment in Colombia are protective and preventive, but its fundamental purpose is the resocialization. Currently, there is a penitentiary and prison crisis in the process of resocialization to the working life of the prisoner, due to their condition as ex-convicts. This research is an analysis of inactive human resources, the personal characteristics, environment, and influence on the entrepreneurial initiative in the Penitentiary Establishment of Bucaramanga, in order to propose strategies that favor the resocialization of this vulnerable population. The study has a non-experimental, quantitative, cross-sectional approach of relational scope. It was verified that the personal characteristics and the environment have a positive influence on the prisoner entrepreneur initiative, whereby the creation of an entrepreneurship unit in the Penitentiary Establishment is proposed.Downloads
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