Managing human talent through a gamified playful exercise


  • Ingrid Carolina Pérez Ferreira Industrial University of Santander
  • Margarita María Castellanos Flórez Industrial University of Santander
  • Mileidy Alvarez-Melgarejo Industrial University of Santander



learning, gamification, human talent management, playful


Today, the management of human talent has become an important benchmark in the success of organizations. Numerous research studies show that companies that perform an adequate management of the performance of their human talent improve in the commitment of their collaborators. There is the importance of generating scenarios that, from undergraduate studies, allow future professionals to improve the capacities to manage the human talent of organizations. This article describes the validation of a playful exercise related to the management of human talent. The play was designed and subsequently subjected to prototype validation by undergraduate students. The results of the validation indicate a high level of acceptance, so that 75 % of participants was more interested in the area of human talent, 56.3 % had to use their previous knowledge in the play, and 75 % would like to have the play as part of their undergraduate subjects.


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How to Cite

Pérez Ferreira, I. C., Castellanos Flórez, M. M., & Alvarez-Melgarejo, M. (2020). Managing human talent through a gamified playful exercise. I+D Revista De Investigaciones, 16(1), 101–111.



Artículos Vol. 16(1)