“Trans-Localizando”, a hands on activity to study the location-routing problem
Playful activity, mathematical model, location problem, routing.Abstract
This paper presents a proposal of a playful activity designed for studying the location-routing problem, in the course of Diseño de Cadenas de Suministro, in an Industrial Engineering program at a Colombian university. For the selection and design of the playful activity, the following phases were developed: prioritization of the themes through the analysis of the degree of difficulty and degree of motivation variables, configuration of the playful activity and the preliminary validation to assess the degrees of compliance and relevance. The theme was selected as one of the priority topics for intervention since it presented the highest mean value for the degree of difficulty and the degree of interest. The playful activity simulates a supply chain with two levels and includes the following decisions: 1) to determine which (out of three options) wholesalers should open to serve four retailers; 2) to allocate retailers to the open wholesalers, and 3) to deliver routes that start and finish in each wholesaler, so that the costs of the supply network (investment and transport) are minimized. The structure of the activity includes general information (related to the subject), context, roles, objective, parameters, bonuses, detailed instructions, duration, and resources required. In the validation phase, all the participants considered that the game met the goal, it was relevant and interesting.Downloads
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