Implication of Reverse Logistics in the Sustainability of the Textile Sector: A Systematic Review
Sustainable development, textile industry, reverse logistics, circular economy, environmentAbstract
Reverse logistics is a process within the supply chain that mediates a solution to prevent the deterioration of the environment; as well as the use of production processes and market supply in the face of excess inventory, returns, reconditioning, among others. In order that they can be reused to generate value again before an adequate management of planning, execution and control. This research aims to review the relationship between reverse logistics and the environmental impact it has on the textile industry and how, with the implementation of innovative practices, they allow recovering or extending the value of the product or material. The systematic review is developed with the Tranfield methodology with 25 documents selected from databases (Scopus and Web of Science), where the different reverse logistics approaches (Strategic, operational and support) are analyzed using STROBE declaration sheets. As a result, the synthesis of employee practices in this industry was obtained, which provides a reference and practice guide to be incorporated into the Colombian textile industry.Downloads
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