CEREBR-IO: Playful activity for teaching and strengthening the subject Investigación de Operaciones
Active learning, operations research, playful, linear programmingAbstract
This work aims to contribute to the teaching-learning methodology of the subject Investigación de Operaciones I, through the design and application of a playful activity. To this end, the Gamification Canvas model was used in the design. To test the relevance and acceptance of play in the teaching-learning process in both students and teachers, an experimental study was carried out through the execution of a pilot test with a sample of 16 students and the application of a questionnaire upon completion. As a result, “CEREBR-IO” was developed, an activity that supports the process of understanding and appropriating linear programming, especially the process of mathematical modeling and key theoretical concepts, which, according to the comments of the participating students in the validation, it allows to complement the masterclasses in a positive way, making them more stimulating and attractive compared to the traditional classes.Downloads
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