Job satisfaction in gastronomic establishments of Bucaramanga, Santander
Job satisfaction, gastronomic establishments, tourism sector, work conditions, BucaramangaAbstract
Job satisfaction is the result of the relationship between work and attitudes towards it; therefore, it is an element that positively or negatively affects the productivity of organizations in different economic sectors, such is the case of the gastronomic sector in the city of Bucaramanga, which is the object of research of this article, considering its relevance in the value chain of the tourism sector. In this sense, the objective is to describe the dimensions of job satisfaction inherent to the S20/23 questionnaire, namely, work, participation in decisions, relationship with superiors, physical working conditions and recognition. The methodology applied is based on a quantitative and descriptive approach, considering the application of the questionnaire to 90 workers in 30 establishments of the economic activity. The results show a marked tendency towards the possession of good physical working conditions, which could be directly associated with the practice of actions related to safety and health at work.Downloads
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